Sunday, May 15, 2011


We had a great Easter this year. The services at church were amazing. My Mom was able to come up & celebrate with us. This was a huge blessing for me because for about 4 days that week Brent is doing services at church. In years past I have resisted the "Easter outfit" pressure. Our church is very casual & the dress up expectations are low so I usually put the boys in khaki's & a golf shirt & call it good. This year I decided we would do the traditional dress up. We went with argyle sweater vests with coordinating shirts. I admit, it was fun to pick them out. I thought the boys looked so adorable :)

Here are a few shots of them at an Easter egg hunt.

I found one!

Could they be any cuter?!

My friend Andrea prepared this spread for everyone. She does amazing things with dark chocolate!

Great memories with family and friends.